Spleen Purification Soup


Serves: 3 – 4

SKU: S2 Category: Tag:


Hairy Fig  Honey date Tangerine peel  Poria cocos Lentils Gorgon Chixiaodou Sea Coconut Red dates etc


Function :

Strength the Spleen, clear dampness, heaty and Phlegm, improve rheumatic diseases



  1. Wash ingredients and set aside.
  2. Bring 1.8 – 2 litres of water to boil in a pot, then add ingredients and 500g of meat.
  3. Simmer at low heat for 1.5 hours.
  4. Add salt to taste.


Serves 3-4                    Shelf life: One year keep refrigerated


Sulphur free, no preservative and no added sugar

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